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Communism 20 25 Years Later Dr Ileana Paugh Johnson 9780692386200 Books

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Download PDF Communism 20 25 Years Later Dr Ileana Paugh Johnson 9780692386200 Books

Freedom-loving Americans have repeatedly savored the inspiring writings of Dr. Ileana Paugh Johnson. At a time when the golden years of individual rights and limited government that drew her to this country have become little more than a fleeting memory in America, Ileana reminds us that the restoration of these years is a cause célèbre that we cannot abandon, no matter how disheartened we are by the socialist attitudes and actions of the present regime in the Oval Office. Having experienced first-hand the drudgery, oppression, and corruption of life in occupied Romania, and the fatal injuries inflicted on her father for resisting the communist tyranny in that country, no one is better equipped than Ileana to sound the clarion call for firm resistance to our socialist administration. That she skillfully weaves together her own experience under the Communists with the information gained by her always-thorough research, forming a rich tapestry of understanding about Communism/Socialism that threatens the future of America, will hold the patriot-readers of ‘Communism 2.0 ---25 Years Later’ in rapt attention throughout. – Dr. David Sponseller, President, OMNI Laboratories, Ann Arbor, Michigan

Communism 20 25 Years Later Dr Ileana Paugh Johnson 9780692386200 Books

My firm five stars belong to Mrs. Johnson Paugh’ book not so because I’m already well familiar with her excellent writing style from her earlier bestsellers and articles, but mainly because we share absolutely similar impressions of our personal experience within the “Communism 1.0” practice: while she was leaving her native Romania in 1979, I was working as a sawmill electrician in Arctic Siberia, being fired from my after-University TV position for “ideologically subversive trends”. Both her enslaved Romania and my enslaving USSR were sheer hell all the way.
To judge from her new book, our “Communism 2.0” impressions are suddenly similar again. As for my personal impressions of life under the present-day Russian regime of thuggish dictatorial bureaucracy, they are only natural: any more or less quick transition from the Soviet hell to free Russia is hardly possible due to our voters’ nearly century-long genetic fear of independent thinking, which was always “rewarded” by prisons, deportations into labor camps and mass shootings. But then, it was utterly unnatural to meet in this book phrases like “I fled communism 35 years ago and communism is following me to the United States, promoted by a U.S. Senator” or “the world communist movement is taking roots in the U.S. quite nicely from within, lured and supported by the constant main stream media propaganda machine” – these phrases were written in the Land of the Free, whose voters knew neither mass shootings nor deportations into labor camps!
The book offers a very vivid comparison between the classic and the modern versions of communism, but it doesn’t say what kind of citizens would be more preferable to Karl Marx’ heart: the tortured, impoverished and undernourished angry Romanians under the Ceausescu regime or Obama’s ever-happy voters on generous governmental welfare, with each day of their MSM-guided lives under the Big Brother’s best surveillance technologies? The author’s honest observations are not impaired by any politcorrectness: “Americans are asleep, ignorant, mesmerized, doped up, or so corrupt that they no longer care what happens to their fellow citizens, their children’s future, the future of our country, so long as they have a cushy job, mindless „reality” television shows, sports, a pay check, perhaps bribes, comfortable homes, club memberships, vacations, and most of all, intoxicating power and control”. My guess, Marx would probably embrace such a sleepy and doped up electorate with a fatherly smile – there is just no need for GULAGs or shooting squads within Communism 2.0 (well, at least until debts and taxpayers’ money are still within easy reach).
Mrs. Johnson Paugh has no doubts about the Communism 2.0 recipe to reach the final control - “Now they get ahead through crony capitalism, nepotism, corruption, strict adherence to the Democrat Party platform, race baiting, claiming faux discrimination, invoking the manufactured and non-existent “white privilege,” using oppressed minority claims, lawsuits, socialist and environmentalist brainwashing in public schools, and radicalism wrapped in extreme feminism and homosexual rights”.
It is rather frightening picture in itself, but I think the most alarming part of it is the fact that Mrs. Johnson Paugh is far from being some lonely Columbus: during the recent years I’ve read (thanks to the Amazon’s Kindle, quite affordable even for a Russian) a good dozen of fine books about the growing threat of Communism 2.0 written by the principled patriots of America, like Thomas Sowell, Diana West, Trevor Loudon, Marinka Peschmann, Dinesh D’Souza and many others – to tell nothing about the earlier authors, from Ayn Rand to Ion Pacepa and John Stormer. All of them were rewarded with an abundant harvest of well-deserved five stars in the readers’ reviews. Alas, there was no well-deserved reaction during the later presidential elections, whose winner got an open support of the Communist Party, - just like in the author’s old Romania or in my USSR. Meanwhile I’m sure that the mentioned authors’ greatest hopes were not about the new Amazon stars, but about the readers’ new political choices. No way! It’s like all these really priceless books were never written. Or like the whole great nation suddenly became illiterate...
These days Americans are eagerly lobotomized to get their country ready for one more admirer of Saul Alinsky’s 2.0 tactics. However, her promise “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good” resurrects familiar Communism 1.0 slogans clearly enough to suspect that the Marxists’ treasury of budget money is rapidly thinning, - again just like in pre-downfall Romania or in the USSR. Thus the 2016 elections seem to be the last chance for the U.S. thinking electorate to prove that they were reading their worthy authors not for the fun of the stars-awarding alone. Mrs. Johnson Paugh’s new book deserves different award: not in stars, but in votes. In my opinion, her fearless effort to resist “Communism 2.0” is the latest confirmation of Walt Whitman’s old but immortal 1860 wisdom:
TO The States, or any one of them, or any city of The States,
Resist much, obey little;
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved;
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city, of this earth, ever
afterward resumes its liberty.

Product details

  • Paperback 182 pages
  • Publisher Ileana Johnson\Paugh; 1 edition (February 25, 2015)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 0692386203

Read Communism 20 25 Years Later Dr Ileana Paugh Johnson 9780692386200 Books

Tags : Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later [Dr. Ileana Paugh Johnson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Freedom-loving Americans have repeatedly savored the inspiring writings of Dr. Ileana Paugh Johnson. At a time when the golden years of individual rights and limited government that drew her to this country have become little more than a fleeting memory in America,Dr. Ileana Paugh Johnson,Communism 2.0: 25 Years Later,Ileana Johnson\Paugh,0692386203,POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Ideologies Communism, Post-Communism & Socialism
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Communism 20 25 Years Later Dr Ileana Paugh Johnson 9780692386200 Books Reviews

I am a Cuban exile so, of course, I agree with almost every observation she makes.
A very insightful work by someone who has lived under communism, and a wake up call for Anericans who are watching their freedom erode at a rapid rate.
Great sequel. Must read for all you value our republic.
Everyone needs to read this book. America is being taken over by Globalists - Agenda 21. Sustainable development. Taking away private citizens rights and property. Dismantling the constitution little by little. This is a socialist /
Communist takeover. They use the guise of climate change for there reasoning. Read more
about it online @Freedom, freedom is only 1 generation away.. wake up sheeple. Dr. Johnson also has another book called Agenda21 environmental piracy. I recommend reading that 1st
Only one who lived and suffered under Communism would know exactly what it does to a country and its people.
Because of her personal knowledge of living under that destructive murderous system, she can easily recognise that this evil
is now here in America. But the majority of the citizens of the country have no knowledge of what socialism/Communism is all about, they do not not see nor understand what is really happening. This book is invaluable, a must read!
This book should be required reading for the 50% of millennials who favor Socialism/Communism over Capitalism. Here are a couple of excerpts that might shed some light on the contents of this book.

"Dad never hid his utter disdain for the arrogant, narcissistic, and uneducated couple who rose from the poverty of community organizing with empty promises of paternal and maternal care for the weak, the poor, and the downtrodden, to a life-style of the rich and famous." This passage wasn't in reference to Barack Obama but to Nicolae Ceausescu who was the brutal dictator of Communist Romania.

"We did 'get' immigration reform in 1986 for 3 million illegal aliens and it did no work so well, we have gained since then 11 more million illegal immigrants. And they are still coming because the largesse of the American government towards invaders is world-renowned and their rights trump the rights of any American immediately upon arrival. All they have to do is 'lawyer up.' And financially, they are given a work permit immediately, a Social Security card, and the right to claim thousands of dollars in Earned Income Tax Credit going three years retroactively, while American veterans die waiting in line to be seen at the Veterans hospital, or waiting to receive their promised and undelivered veterans benefits."

The book was well worth the time it took to read.
My firm five stars belong to Mrs. Johnson Paugh’ book not so because I’m already well familiar with her excellent writing style from her earlier bestsellers and articles, but mainly because we share absolutely similar impressions of our personal experience within the “Communism 1.0” practice while she was leaving her native Romania in 1979, I was working as a sawmill electrician in Arctic Siberia, being fired from my after-University TV position for “ideologically subversive trends”. Both her enslaved Romania and my enslaving USSR were sheer hell all the way.
To judge from her new book, our “Communism 2.0” impressions are suddenly similar again. As for my personal impressions of life under the present-day Russian regime of thuggish dictatorial bureaucracy, they are only natural any more or less quick transition from the Soviet hell to free Russia is hardly possible due to our voters’ nearly century-long genetic fear of independent thinking, which was always “rewarded” by prisons, deportations into labor camps and mass shootings. But then, it was utterly unnatural to meet in this book phrases like “I fled communism 35 years ago and communism is following me to the United States, promoted by a U.S. Senator” or “the world communist movement is taking roots in the U.S. quite nicely from within, lured and supported by the constant main stream media propaganda machine” – these phrases were written in the Land of the Free, whose voters knew neither mass shootings nor deportations into labor camps!
The book offers a very vivid comparison between the classic and the modern versions of communism, but it doesn’t say what kind of citizens would be more preferable to Karl Marx’ heart the tortured, impoverished and undernourished angry Romanians under the Ceausescu regime or Obama’s ever-happy voters on generous governmental welfare, with each day of their MSM-guided lives under the Big Brother’s best surveillance technologies? The author’s honest observations are not impaired by any politcorrectness “Americans are asleep, ignorant, mesmerized, doped up, or so corrupt that they no longer care what happens to their fellow citizens, their children’s future, the future of our country, so long as they have a cushy job, mindless „reality” television shows, sports, a pay check, perhaps bribes, comfortable homes, club memberships, vacations, and most of all, intoxicating power and control”. My guess, Marx would probably embrace such a sleepy and doped up electorate with a fatherly smile – there is just no need for GULAGs or shooting squads within Communism 2.0 (well, at least until debts and taxpayers’ money are still within easy reach).
Mrs. Johnson Paugh has no doubts about the Communism 2.0 recipe to reach the final control - “Now they get ahead through crony capitalism, nepotism, corruption, strict adherence to the Democrat Party platform, race baiting, claiming faux discrimination, invoking the manufactured and non-existent “white privilege,” using oppressed minority claims, lawsuits, socialist and environmentalist brainwashing in public schools, and radicalism wrapped in extreme feminism and homosexual rights”.
It is rather frightening picture in itself, but I think the most alarming part of it is the fact that Mrs. Johnson Paugh is far from being some lonely Columbus during the recent years I’ve read (thanks to the ’s , quite affordable even for a Russian) a good dozen of fine books about the growing threat of Communism 2.0 written by the principled patriots of America, like Thomas Sowell, Diana West, Trevor Loudon, Marinka Peschmann, Dinesh D’Souza and many others – to tell nothing about the earlier authors, from Ayn Rand to Ion Pacepa and John Stormer. All of them were rewarded with an abundant harvest of well-deserved five stars in the readers’ reviews. Alas, there was no well-deserved reaction during the later presidential elections, whose winner got an open support of the Communist Party, - just like in the author’s old Romania or in my USSR. Meanwhile I’m sure that the mentioned authors’ greatest hopes were not about the new stars, but about the readers’ new political choices. No way! It’s like all these really priceless books were never written. Or like the whole great nation suddenly became illiterate...
These days Americans are eagerly lobotomized to get their country ready for one more admirer of Saul Alinsky’s 2.0 tactics. However, her promise “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good” resurrects familiar Communism 1.0 slogans clearly enough to suspect that the Marxists’ treasury of budget money is rapidly thinning, - again just like in pre-downfall Romania or in the USSR. Thus the 2016 elections seem to be the last chance for the U.S. thinking electorate to prove that they were reading their worthy authors not for the fun of the stars-awarding alone. Mrs. Johnson Paugh’s new book deserves different award not in stars, but in votes. In my opinion, her fearless effort to resist “Communism 2.0” is the latest confirmation of Walt Whitman’s old but immortal 1860 wisdom
TO The States, or any one of them, or any city of The States,
Resist much, obey little;
Once unquestioning obedience, once fully enslaved;
Once fully enslaved, no nation, state, city, of this earth, ever
afterward resumes its liberty.
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